Monday, December 19, 2011

Tangled Christmas Tree and S N O W !!!!

I spent yesterday working up a tree and I think it came out pretty well, I am happy with it for the most part!
Last night before bed I wrote on the opposite page, I don't know, I might not leave that alone.
Not happy with it, I may change it or add to it.
But here it is...

And for those of you who don't know, we live in New Mexico and for the past few years we rarely see much snow, but look what we got last night!!!!
So far, I have yet to venture out past our front courtyard (pictured here). But if I do, I will get pictures!!

Isn't it just beautiful!?
My love is out shoveling snow as we speak to get out of the driveway to go to work! LOL!!


  1. Wow... look at all that snow! It's beautiful!

    Love your zentangle christmastree!

    xx Tessa

  2. Love the doodled Christmas tree! And the snow is beautiful. I love snow! We haven't had much yet, but I'm hoping we will soon. Thanks for visiting my blog. Merry Christmas.
