Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 4 - Just Backgrounds

Today's challenge:
Do something, for the love of God, just do SOMETHING!

Can you tell I was in a panic?
Today was filled with family and "to-dos" and to add to that, I had no good ideas for any of the backgrounds I have done or for anything new.
I am starting to collect personal ephemera, newspapers and such.
But, I really want to collect a little while so I have a good selection of stuff to go through and I also want a good quality moleskine journal, perhaps. This spiral stuff is for the birds.

Today I knew I just had to get SOMETHING done and get some pictures, because if I missed a day and said "What the hay!", and then it would be no big thing if I missed more and mroe days and the habit formation here would fail.
So, I got some backgrounds layered amidst my chores, kids, helping family with computer problems, and hubby.

This one is ready for... something.

This one needs more layers, still a work in progress.

And this one is actually being worked on still, or set up, rather, but it is technically tomorrow's project!
I am setting it up for some Zentangle that I can do while watching football tomorrow.
The page idea came to me after I had finished everything and was taking pictures.

Did you know...
My husband's team is the Bears. Mine, the Saints.

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