Thursday, November 24, 2011


Well, my 30 day self challenge has been challenged!
My modem decided to start having issues and at the same time my cell phones external buttons and touch screen stopped working. So, I've been without a reliable internet connection of any sort of days! I have been working on my art journal almost everyday and keeping the faith of Art Everyday Month, with the exception of a day or so over the weekend where I had family visit. I have been unable to take pictures of my works in progress without a working phone so I will just have to start catching up on Friday. For my sanity's sake I am not going to start trying to back date posts and try to remember what I did when. I will just start day 8 on Friday and go on from there because it is my challenge and my rules. :P
Plus, it will make for some fun surprises when I do a journal flip in the future if friends haven't seen all the pages already!

I sure hope all you out there have a wonderful, safe, and warm day with your loved ones!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 7

Today's Challenge...
Working on a prompt from A Year In The Life Of An Art Journal

There is something under there.
I will scrape and wash it down tomorrow. :D

I did this and I have a page of half done Zentangles...
Yes, I slacked. I am a video game addict and my son bought Skyrim last night, so I spent most of the day playing it while he was at school.

Monday, November 14, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 6 - Zentangle Challenge

Today's Challenge...
I am the diva's Zentangle Challenge #48

This is, like, my fifth Zentangle!
I tried some new ones that I saw in a video on YouTube and I enjoyed it but it took me almost all day because I kept getting interupted. Ah, the joys of motherhood!

Later this evening I am going to try and get a notebook going with Zentangles in it so I don't have to keep referring to blogs near and far and, which is a WONDERFUL resource, I just hate having to be attached to my laptop to complete a Zentangle. I am also considering putting the pictures of the samples on my phone as I always have it with me.

Anyway, time to run errands!
Catch you all tomorrow!

I love this background...

I had to share the background I created last night while we watched TV!

Craft acrylic paint, and oil pastels.
This page just makes me smile and feel all warm.
I can't wait to think of something else to do with it.

Inspired by two pages I have seen so far, one by JournalArtista on Ustream and one by Samara Gugler on YouTube, though, I know the techniques differ I just had to try to replicate it.
Now I have a fun base to do something with!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 5

Today's chellenge:
More Zentangling.

So, I asked myself, what would happen if I Zentangled on an acrylic paint background.
It's a little difficult, because the surface is not super flat and my sharpie pen has been giving me headaches. It's supposed to be a permanent pen but halfway through the ink started wiping away.
What's up with that?

Here's the page. I love the colors of the paint on this page. It's built on a background I created yesterday. Just some Zentangle and personal ephemera. I am having a picture of my husband and I from my cell phone printed, will be a few days and it will be complete...

Close up of the hearts.

Close up of the words.

The pictures aren't the best, I know. It's REALLY overcast today and I just can't seem to get some good lightining even near a window.

Will update this page again once I have the picture and I am going to dig out some more personal ephemera, maybe Zentangle some more.
We'll see where it takes me.

What are your thoughts?

I spent some time today watching videos on watercolor how-to and I experimented and gave it a try on my own.
No, you don't get to see the results.
They look like a 5 year old painted them.

So, my question is...
Can a person who doesn't have the natural ability to draw be taught to draw? To paint?

I know, seems like a silly question.
But, I am curious!
I have grown up thinking, not really as a result of anything I was taught, just a self formed opinion, I guess.
That if you don't have the natural ability to draw and paint then maybe it's just not for you.
So, I have never invested much of myself in anything other than stamping and always joked that I can't even draw stick figures.
When I was a little girl, my daddy bought me a set of pastels. I can remember using them clearly, but I cannot remember if I ever drew anything good with them, or whatever became of them.

And so I looked up classes in art at the local college and it would cost me over $200.00 to enroll in one class just for tuition. I may be interested if it's something I can learn, and I feel like I could... maybe.
I know I don't NEED to draw for art journaling, but I sure would like to be able to!

However, I am also supposed to be starting the last of my nursing pre-requisites next semester.
Decisions, decisions...

So, yeah... post comments, please.
Can a person who doesn't have the natural ability to draw be taught to draw? To paint?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 4 - Just Backgrounds

Today's challenge:
Do something, for the love of God, just do SOMETHING!

Can you tell I was in a panic?
Today was filled with family and "to-dos" and to add to that, I had no good ideas for any of the backgrounds I have done or for anything new.
I am starting to collect personal ephemera, newspapers and such.
But, I really want to collect a little while so I have a good selection of stuff to go through and I also want a good quality moleskine journal, perhaps. This spiral stuff is for the birds.

Today I knew I just had to get SOMETHING done and get some pictures, because if I missed a day and said "What the hay!", and then it would be no big thing if I missed more and mroe days and the habit formation here would fail.
So, I got some backgrounds layered amidst my chores, kids, helping family with computer problems, and hubby.

This one is ready for... something.

This one needs more layers, still a work in progress.

And this one is actually being worked on still, or set up, rather, but it is technically tomorrow's project!
I am setting it up for some Zentangle that I can do while watching football tomorrow.
The page idea came to me after I had finished everything and was taking pictures.

Did you know...
My husband's team is the Bears. Mine, the Saints.

Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 3 - "Lest We Forget"

So, today's challenge...

I have two challenges to complete.
The first is a Zentangle for the I am the diva challenge!

I can't say that I am pleased with it. Doing a Zentangle in something other than a grid proved to be my undoing.
No matter, it just means I need to practice.
It also means that the Zentangle kit I asked for for Christmas would be a good investment AND so would the books (incase the hubby reads this).

It's supposed to be in the shape of a poppy, loosely. : /
There are little poppies inside in honor of Canada's Remembrance Day and the poem In Flander's Field, also in honor of Veteran's Day here in the U.S.
I thought a lot about my dad when I made this.

Next is a page that I completed, well, if you call it completed, for the Motley Soul Monthly Journal Group second challenge.

I'm not happy with this page. I feel like I slacked off or something.
Started with picking a word, the prompt: One Word, One Thought.
I picked music because it is immensely important to me at all times but especially during my creative process.
Then I had picked up some cheap watercolor paints and tried to use them, I am a novice at it, can you tell?
It was boring so I slapped some silver glitter acrylic paint on top and when it was wet I loved it.
But it dried. :(
Once dry I wrote my thought on it, which is just a quote.
My favorite quote that has to do with music, mind you. I always find myself doodling that quote when listening to music.

And there it is.
I'm just sharing those for honesty and good measure.
And to see what it turns into in the future because it will get worked on some more, just not right now.
Moving on...

Lastly, for giggles.
This is my very first page painted with the watercolor paints.
It will probably get a coat of gesso and some paint over it but it was fun to play with and you never know what it will turn into, I guess.

One thing is horrifyingly clear... I need to learn how to use these watercolor paints!
I have planned on getting crayons, but my trip to the city keeps getting pushed back.


Music page updated.
I bought a new metallic red acrylic paint today and happened across some scrapbooking stickers for $1.00 a pack.
It's still not my favorite page, but I feel better about it and it is done.

Off to gesso a bunch of pages in my journal!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 2

Today's Challenge...

I present to you, my very first attempt at the Zentangle!

So, last night I went to and looked over EVERYTHING there including the past newsletters. I just ate it all up!
Then I ended up on where I found instruction on many tangles and had to try a bunch, so I made a page with 2" X 2" grids and tangled my heart out!

I had so much fun with this that I asked my husband for the kit for Christmas!
And BOOKS! I must have books!

I fully expect to Zentangle everyday.
So... relaxing and calming.
It kept my mind occupied.

Now, off to work on the I am the diva challenge and my Motley Soul journal group project, which I may have to sleep on another day to really think about which word I want to use since this prompt is One Word, One Thought.

A secret about me...
I usually wake up with a head full of ideas.
In fact, often, since I have started art journaling, I wake up before the alarm and either lay in bed like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for the proper time to run to the tree!
Or I just give in and hop out of bed and start working!
I actually had to move some of my supplies to my bedroom (especially while being sick, trying to seclude myself and the also sick baby to the back of the house) so that I could hop out of bed and work on something without going to far from the baby, and I had to get an idea book to keep on hand for those late night thoughts that I don't want to lose.

Who else has done that?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I was just considering Zentangle this morning and am giving it a try, it's already so addicting!Link
I came across this awesome blog while surfing this morning and Laura is having an AWESOME GIVEAWAY!
She has three different but equally awesome prizes to win and
you can enter up until the 30th of November!

I am so excited! (Not JUST about the contest but about learning Zentangle)

30 Day Art Journal/Blog Challenge - Day 1

Today's challenge...

Pick a lyric from one of your favorite songs and illustrate it.

So, we've covered the fact that I cannot draw... well... yet.
But am working on it.
The earth is a free clip art I found on the internet, glued down, covered with gesso, traced, and painted with craft acrylics, pretty much.
Funny thing is, I covered it with so much gesso that I could hardly see the lines so it really forced me to become creative with line placement.
But the exercise got me really comfortable with my sharpie, not like the coffee cup a few posts ago. I stressed over that cup and not getting the gesso too thick, that I couldn't see lines, and just getting things right.
This one was much more loose and my attitude was much more "eh, whatever."
I even tried lettering and I fought the urge to cover it up with something printed!
Go me!

The page is based on the song "Blue Lips" by Regina Spektor. It's one of my favorite songs and the baby does the cutest dance when she hears this song!

Other things I did last night...
Three backgrounds

That last one is my favorite. I think it's going to turn into a page on which I journal about those things I cherish. Yeah, seems like that would fit.

Things I am currently considering...
[A trip to Albuquerque in search of new supplies.]
[Heat embossing in my art journal with the Joseph's Coat Technique.]
OH And!!! - A new monthly art journal group on Motley Soul!
I am particularly excited about this because I just love Mika and her art!

I am quite happy on my art-filled journey.
It makes me smile, I hope you are smiling too!
If not, go work in your art journal, or start one if you don't have one!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For Dad... And my Art Journal Self Challenge

I played last night in my art journal and I didn't want to go to bed, but I wasn't feeling good and I knew the baby would be up early. She was, aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd she's sick (so am I).

So, the below page was created with inspiration from two places.
The inspiration for heart and the words about the pieces not fitting right came from somewhere... I venture to say from a page I saw by Less Herger at Comfortable Shoes Studio, at the very least someone at ArtJournaling.Ning. Alas, I cannot find the picture or post any more to provide a link and credit.
And the words about taking for granted came from a page I saw on guttergirlz, Becky, I think.

I try not to copy things, especially word for word or picture for picture, and this isn't an exact copy of either page. But both of the pieces really did inspired me, touched me, and they just fit my feeling so exactly. And I thank both people for that inspiration and I hope that neither is offended that I copied sentiments.

It's a personal journal anyhow, and this is a snapshot of how I have felt since July for my daddy.
I miss him.

So, I played with a background in coloring that fit my mood as I thought about Dad, in acrylic craft paints, as usual. It's a yellow and orange background, and I grunged it up with a black acrylic paint color wash. I drew and painted the heart, go me! And I tried the lettering but it just didn't come out the way I wanted, so I covered it up with printed words. Though I haven't given up on practicing faces and lettering, I have a section of my journal for practicing drawing but I am not prepared to share that with anyone yet.

I REALLY like how it came out, I am immensely happy with the finished page.
And I expect you're gonna see A LOT more grunged stuff in the future, so much fun!

Next is a page that, well, I am not sure if I am done with it, in fact I am 99% positive I am not done with. But I wanted to share anyhow. I joined the Motley Soul community recently and Mika has been so very nice to me and super helpful with getting creative juices flowing and some confidence. I confided in her that I could paint backgrounds but beyond that I was blocked. I didn't want to ruin a nicely painted background with junk. She gave me a little challenge, some instructions on a page I should try, a prompt if you will... a sort of billboard for myself where my inner critic didn't get a voice.
The below page is a result of that, but like I said, it's not finished.

Again with the printed fonts... I would have preferred to cut letters and words from magazines but my magazine selection is really small, so I am going to work on collecting magazines, old books and sheet music!
I do like printed fonts though, I found a BUNCH of free, fun fonts on the internet at

And the next two pictures are of backgrounds that I painted last night. I haven't decided what I will do with them yet, if anything, but I REALLY liked these two.

I think it will be fun to see what they turn into with inspiration in the future.

And so, I have decided to challenge myself. 30 days of art journaling/blogging. I just must do something everyday for the next 30 days AND blog about it, WITH pictures.
I have a bunch of prompts and have found a few websites and blogs with more ideas than I can ever use, so for the next 30 days I challenge myself to do SOMETHING in my art journal and blog about it.
This is mainly to form a habit of blogging and art journaling.
I am so bad about it that I can go months without touching my blogs, but I really think I could benefit from a creative, colorful burst of art in life.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I do love coffee.
I used to not drink it much but it has gotten to where I wont start my morning without it.

Anyone who knows me knows I can't draw for my life.
The cup is free clip art I found on the web, covered with gesso and colored with sharpies and acrylic craft paint.

It's simple, but I like this page.