Saturday, September 1, 2012

Face #1

I'm off to a fair start. I got my face done today. 28 left to go!
And this is how she evolved.

The shading is off, I'm not happy with it but I got really tired and I think I will let her rest and finish the shading at a later time. I am going to try and fit 29 faces (or as many as I can) on a two page spread in my journal. Wish me luck!


  1. Perfect start! I'd love to see how she progresses with the shading.

  2. love the progress shots of her face - i hope you have time to finish her!

  3. Very nice,I can't wait to see your next faces!

  4. Dropping by to to say Great Job! I can't comment everyday because I am trying to download some videos, which take forever. But I will be back in a few.

  5. She looks great to me, love the way you do eyes - and noses, I cannot make noses work at all.

  6. She looks great and practice makes perfect. You will be amazed when you look back at the end of 29 days at what you have achieved.

  7. Lovely pencil work!
    Keep up the great art;-)
